Friday, June 25, 2010


Today is Friday –otherwise known (in my department) as "Fricken Fa'Real Friday." FF’F, for short, is a variation of TGIF, but in a real world kind of way. I don’t know about you, but by the time I reach Friday morning and have had that first cup of coffee, I am beyond sweet sentiments like TGIF. What I usually am is ready to laser-eye burn the next, unsuspecting candidate that walks into my office and asks for help on something that doesn’t even remotely relate to my job or asks me for something that has to be completed today, but that they knew about two weeks ago! Breathe easy. To both requests (and many others that may come your way throughout the day), you can simply say:


Example: "I need that report completed by noon"; the correct response would be, "ARE YOU FRICKEN FA'REAL"!

Depending on the tone you use, the unsuspecting victim will either duck and retreat or stand there in shock, silently staring at you while trying to discern what to do next. Usually, it’s the latter –which is quite funny in itself, but makes it hard for me to keep a straight face.

I must give credit where credit is due –thanks D for making me aware of this (and four others, yet to be revealed) very special day!

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