Friday, March 27, 2015

My Big Empty Bucket

A friend and I were talking the other day and she mentioned something about a bucket list.  Neither of us have one and I have no clue as to what to put on one.  So I Googled that shit and found a basic list of 25 suggestions for a bucket list.  I dunno about any of these…

1. Travel all around the world

Meh.  It would be nice to see a few places, but the hassles, frustrations, and expense that come with traveling are not worth it any more.  And with all the unrest in the world lately, I’d have to bypass some of the usual travel destinations for somewhere quieter.  Ireland might be nice.  I haven’t heard anything bad about them in the news lately.

2. Learn a new language

4 years of high school French and all I can do is identify various words and conjugate a few verbs [etre: to be.  Je suis, tu es, il est … BTW, why the hell is it “je suis” and not “j’etre?”].  I never use it, which is probably why I’m not fluent.  Yeah, like I’m going to spend more time on that.

3. Try a profession in a different field

Well, I could really use a new job so if anyone is hiring and willing to train, hit me up!

4. Achieve your ideal weight

Ideal for who?   I just want to fit in my clothes without bulging over.  And still eat donuts.

5. Run a marathon

HA!  If you see me running, you had better run too ‘cause that means something is chasing me and it isn’t going to be good!

6. Take part in a triathlon

I imagine that the “getting ready for school routine” on any given weekday morning at my house is the equivalent of a triathlon.  Typical events include digging through all the stuff on the floor of the closet looking for the 7 year old’s lost shoe and library book; the mad dash to the bus stop, only to have to chase the bus to the corner while frantically waving and screaming like a lunatic; and then driving all the way to the school to drop off the lunch box that was left on the counter.  Someone give me a medal.

7. Take up a new sport

Beaching.  That’s a sport, right?  I could totally get into that.

8. Go scuba diving/snorkeling and experience marine life up close

Swim amongst the sharks?  N-O-P-E.

9. Go skiing

Been there, done that.  Not impressed.  Though it was an interesting experience to watch the rescue team’s procedure for gathering up my injured husband, strapping him to the sled, and transporting him back to the “hospital” where they opened a chute in the side of the building, shoved in the sled (with him still strapped to it), where crews inside “unpacked the sled” and booted his injured leg with a makeshift cardboard box.  I prefer the hot chocolate by the fire in the lodge.

10. Trek the Inca Trail

There are lots and lots of beautiful wooded areas all around me that are just chock full of snakes, red bugs, ticks, and other critters.  I can get lost in any of them just the same.

11. Go horseback riding

Yeah, I’ve done this.  Even learned to post, which just felt silly and made me giggle.  A lot.  But the chaps make your ass look awesome, so there’s that.

12. Do an extreme sport

Does chasing my escapee dog in and out of neighbor’s yards during the pouring rain, at night, in the dark, slipping and sliding in the mud as I try to grab him when he runs by, count?  Oh, it should.  And I deserve a medal for it.

13. Climb a mountain

WTH for?  Is there vodka at the top??

14. Learn a strategy game

Been playing chess since I was little.  But for real strategy, try figuring out how to maneuver through the daily minefield that is known as a hormonal and highly emotional teen girl.  Now there’s a game of strategy.

15. Connect with past teachers

Ran into my French teacher last year.  Nice to see her.  Wish I could run into my favorite English teacher, but that will have to wait until after I kick the bucket.  Or else it will be rather odd.

16. Let someone know how much he/she means to you

I do this every day to my family and very often to my close friends.   And I regularly dream of the day I tell my boss how much he means to me too.  ;)

17. Give a heartfelt surprise to someone

Does forgetting my pregnancy test on the counter where my husband discovers it count?

18. Perform a kind deed without expecting anything in return

I did just let that car slip in front of me in traffic, so… 

Plus, I’ve been a secret angel to a few people along the way and I do it every time the opportunity presents itself.  It just feels good.  And I like having secrets.

19. Make a difference in someone’s life

I have kids.  They are fed, clothed, nurtured, and alive.  Enough said.

20. Be a mentor to someone

Errr, why would anyone want to be like me??

21. Pursue your passion

My passion is donuts.  They are readily available at most stores and all donut shops so I’m not sure that “pursue” is necessary.

22. Start your business

Oh. Hell. No.  Not doing that again.  EVER.

23. Fly in a hot-air balloon

Meh.  But, if it were a kid-free experience with a glass of champagne and a pillow, then I could see this as a possibility.

24. Sing to an audience

NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, PEOPLE.  Well, never again, anyway.

25. Do volunteer work

The way I see it, short of the job that provides me a paycheck, everything else I already do for everyone else IS volunteer work.  And as it is, there isn’t enough time in the day left to do anything for me.  So this is just not realistically possible at this time.  Maybe when I retire?

Compared to many, I am barely traveled.  But I have traveled just enough to not want to really travel anywhere right now.  I have ventured out and returned home.  I have seen and experienced just enough of the world outside my window.  I guess I am content.  Are there things that I might like to do someday if the opportunity presented itself?  Sure.  But I have no strong desires to “have to” do anything.  I have nothing to “prove” to anyone.  Not even to myself.

Do you have a bucket list and if so, what’s on it?